Cyber-Social Threat Analysis, Cyber Investigations & Digital Rights Advocacy
Cyber-Social Threat Analysis, Cyber Investigations & Digital Rights Advocacy
Founded in 2013, Motley Matrix LLC is dedicated to providing business intelligence, cyber investigations and cyber social threat assessment and intelligence services to further private sector reputation management and public security objectives within the cyber sphere.
Subject matter expertise includes communicating and marketing digital technologies, social media intelligence, cyber investigations, cyber-social threat analysis, management of digital exhaust and the ethical application of facial recognition technologies and biometrics.
· Business Intelligence
· Disinformation Campaigns
· Counter Violence Extremism (CVE)
· Cyber-Social Threat Mitigation
· Digital Exhaust Management
· Insider Threat Mitigation
· Online Extremism
· Online Mobilization to Offline Violence
· Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)
· Social Media Investigations (SOCMINT)
Motley Matrix Digital Justice Initiative (MMDJI)
Founded in 2020, The Motley Matrix Digital Justice Initiative is our registered 501c3 nonprofit arm, dedicated to providing advocacy and education about AI, deepfakes/digital fakes, social media, and other emerging technologies, to advance critical infrastructure that upholds the “digital rights are civil rights” paradigm, ensuring important grassroots perspectives are heard.
Digital Rights are Civil Rights
Every digital citizen or “netizen” deserves to feel safe and protected, have peace of mind, and live with dignity and respect. Designed to unify the words of “internet” and “citizen” - the concept behind digital citizenship is to ensure that the civil rights of a netizen are equal to those of a citizen within the physical world. Advancing the concept that “digital rights are civil rights” increases protection against all forms of violence in the digital environment, including child trafficking, gender-based violence, cyber-aggression, cyber harassment, cyber-attacks, and information warfare.
The Motley Matrix Digital Justice Initiative provides subject matter expertise on digital rights, digital citizenship, social media intelligence (SOCMINT), open-source intelligence (OSINT) and the application of ethical artificial intelligence (AI). Our passions include communicating digital technologies to those in non-technical fields or “tech-challenged” populations.
Target Communities
Social media usage has risen exponentially over the past decade and with it has come social media misconduct. Whether you are an employer who needs background checks on a new employee’s social media accounts, or an business executive who needs online reputation management counsel, Motley Matrix can assist.
Social media investigations involve the detailed analysis of an organization’s or individual’s social media accounts. They are commonly used to provide information relevant to an investigation, court case, background checks or to establish an alibi. Equally, these same tactics can be applied to online reputation management.
Social media investigations can be critical in providing admissible evidence within civil and criminal matters. Another growing requirement for these services is pre-employment screenings or internal investigations involving current or former employees within a business. This can be due to the need to ascertain specific evidence in relation to potentially fraudulent activity, data theft, or gross misconduct.
Our Fight Against Digital Hate, Online Extremism & Cyber Bullying
Online radicalization, leading to offline violence is the process by which an individual is introduced to an ideological message and belief system that encourages movement from mainstream beliefs toward extreme views, primarily through the use of online media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
A result of radical interpretations
of mainstream religious or political doctrines, these extreme views tend to justify, promote, incite, or support violence to achieve any number of social, religious, or political changes.
The proliferation of internet platforms that cater to extremists allows individuals to engage with potentially violent movements without being card-carrying members of a particular group. This phenomenon has blurred the boundaries of hate groups, helping coalesce a broader but more loosely affiliated movement of extremists who reject the country’s democratic institutions and pluralistic society.
We remain an active supporter of the Algorithmic Justice League (AJL), ASIS, All Tech is Human, CISA, the EFF, InfraGard, NDIA, Women in Technology and Women in Defense (WID). Subject matter expertise includes cyber intelligence, cyber social threat assessments and mitigation, cyber investigations, digital dust/digital exhaust and online reputation management. Ms. Dana K. Motley is a registered technology reporter with the United States Press Agency #U88-DEP42870. Motley Matrix is trademarked.
Digital Rights are Civil Rights
Every digital citizen or “netizen” deserves to feel safe and protected, have peace of mind, and live with dignity and respect. Designed to unify the words of “internet” and “citizen” - the concept behind digital citizenship is to ensure that the civil rights of a netizen are equal to those of a citizen within the physical world.
Advancing the concept that “digital rights are civil rights” increases protection against all forms of violence in the digital environment, including child trafficking, gender-based violence, cyber-aggression, cyber harassment, cyber-attacks, and information warfare.
Advocacy and training programs are dedicated to increasing awareness about online extremism, the ethical application of facial recognition technologies, digital dust management, digital rights, biometrics and disinformation campaigns.
- Lets Talk!
Dana K. Motley
Founder & Principal
Motley Matrix LLC
Motley Matrix Digital Justice Initiative (501c3)
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